In the do dialect, return is a global variable referring to a native function passing back a function result value. , separated by whitespace. A valid data exchange dialect text stream is a tree data structure consisting of blocks (the root block is implicit, subblocks are delimited by square brackets), parens (delimited by round brackets), strings (delimited by link quotes or curly brackets suitable for multi-line strings; caret notation is used for unprintable characters), URLs, e-mail addresses, files, paths or other composite values. Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: HoneyBee by SpiceThemes. In the data exchange dialect return is just a word not having any specific meaning. 6
Rebol was initially an acronym for Relative Expression Based Object Language written in all caps.

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. It can handle variables, objects, functions, namespaces, and a wide range of expressions in a safe and secure manner. I wrote dozens of apps, hundreds of small programs and tools, and a few large scale applications. Red is easy to integrate with other tools and languages as a DLL (libRed) and very lightweight (around 1MB).

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The main similarity is the presence of the sequence and choice operators all the family members have. Programmers can define their own dialects, reusing any existing REBOL word and giving it a specific meaning in that dialect. Currently, Red is still at alpha stage and 32-bit only. REBOL was first released in 1997 and since then there have been many improvements. Unlike the do dialect, the parse dialect uses keywords representing operators and the most important nonterminals, infix parsing operators don’t have prefix equivalents and use precedence rules (sequence has higher precedence than choice).

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8 or Rebol/SDK 2. I created the Rebol language 20 years ago to enable distributed computing through the exchange and interpretation of information between systems. Rebol is designed for the exchange and interpretation of information. com Red is a new programming language,strongly inspired byREBOL, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting, while providing modern support for concurrency and multi-core CPUs.

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Words are used as case-insensitive variables. Data files had the same format as source files. view/title layout [h1 250120 center middle Hello world !] Hello world !Article published on August 24, 2010[] REBOL: Obscure Programming Language of the Month []
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document. The runtime library is distributed under the more permissive Boost Software License. An alpha version of REBOL 3 is now available.

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APK on Android). However, indentation is recommended to help convey the program structure to humans. the evaluation of a word is returned, when a word is he has a good point by the do function. Sassenrath used concepts from the Lisp, Forth, Logo, and Self programming languages to build REBOL.

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org. It introduces the concept of dialecting: small, optimized, domain-specific languages for code and data,67 which is also the most notable property of the language according to its designer Carl Sassenrath:
Although it can be used for programming, writing functions, and performing processes, its greatest strength is the ability to easily create domain-specific languages or dialectsDouglas Crockford, known for his involvement in the development of JavaScript, has described Rebol as “a more modern language, but with some very similar ideas to Lisp, in that it’s all built upon a representation of data which is then executable as my link and as one of JSON’s influences. 4
The simple precedence rules are both an advantage:
as well as a disadvantage:
The parse function is preferably used to specify, validate, transform and interpret dialects. For example,
returns 1, since the infix addition takes precedence over the computation of the absolute value. ”REBOL syntax is free-form and does not require specific positioning. Once 1.

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8, the graphical user interface edition, is about 650KB in size. Note that different dialects may have different syntax. Do usually evaluates arguments before passing them to a function. , .

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REBOL is a free, cross platform, highly reflective, flexible, compact, interpreted language that optimally fits the needs of daily programming tasks – especially network/Internet related tasks. .